The Secrets to Walking a Spiritual Path

This is a great sayings and I use it in my daily life as with all the sayings that I have shared with you. All credit goes to JAFREE OZWALD!!
“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” ~Mike Pearson
“The day on which we come to know the supreme consciousness within us, then the outside world will also appear to us like the expanse of the supreme consciousness.” ~ Osho
“When you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected. Stop making use of your mind and see what happens. Let go of the idea that you are not aware of yourself as the ever-present, changeless inexpressible Reality. Just let go.” ~ Nisargadatta
“Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
“It is the most beautiful moment in one’s life when there is neither confusion nor certainty. One simply is — a mirror reflecting that which is. With no direction to go anywhere, with no idea of doing something, with no future – just utterly in the moment, tremendously in the moment.” ~ Osho