Tribute To Our Departed Ones

The poem below was written from my Aunt Bebe paying tribute to our family’s loved ones that has left us. First my Dad (Jan 24, 2008; my Mom (Doris) May 23 2009, Uncle Joe and then Uncle Wally just recently. Aunt Bebe has published a book of poems and written a novel as well! I wanted to share with you her poems of our family’s loss.
(When I heard the news about my sister, Doris, then Joseph (Joe), then Uncle Wally … finally, I found my way again to my pen. This is a tribute to our departed ones…)
Let not our heart be sad…
Just think of the wonderful times we had.
Stash away those memories securely,
Their personalities, uniqueness and their ways.
Let it be a part of us completely.
Be not afraid to let go of the sadness and tears,
It helps the melancholy and cleanses the soul.
Rejoice and spread out our hands,
Let go of despair like the wind blowing the sand.
Happy are they for finally they are with the Lord,
Our beloved departed are now with our Creator.
I know, we all will miss them truly,
Their absence may drench our inner strengths,
The longing of their presence may heighten,
Each space of their absence get further in time.
Always remember the mind glimpses back,
Those memories deeply buried in mind and hearts,
Be to come … the point of connection
The family we know, respect and love.
Worry not about them because they are not alone,
Our Father has finally called them home.
Jeanette Willkom Dunn Aragon
copyrighted 4/18/2010
April 22nd, 2010 in
What Kat did... | tags: aragon, bebe, book of poems, despair, doris, dunn, family, filipino, filipino friends, hearts, jeanette, loss of loved ones, personalities, philippines, poem, those memories, tribute, uncle joe, uncle wally, willkomm