Update on life!

Hello folks, yeah its me and still alive and kicking! I celebrated my birthday in March and found a job last year (didn’t or wasn’t really looking). Now, learning something totally different business and its quite interesting really and looking forward to learning more! I work in an industry that doesn’t really have a good reputation, but in the UK its a different types/kind of pawnbroking. This company I work for which was once tied to an american company called Cash America – has totally separated itself and is growing by leaps and bounds since – they are now called H & T Pawnbrokers – I work in the Hayes Branch which opened October 2011 and the official opening was in December 2011. I was hired on October 24th last year and trained in the Hounslow Branch then transferred to Hayes Branch in November. I have learned how to test Gold, Silver, White Gold, Platinum and Palladium and to spot a Rolled Gold (RG), Plated Gold (PG) or as we call it fake gold. Also, I have been trained how to spot a Real Diamond from Cubic Zirconia (CZ) and this is where my interest is piqued as I want to learn more on the other gems as well. So, in effect, life is okay and learning new things at this new job and meeting people. The retail side of things, has not changed at all, it’s all the same, give customer service and it does as well on the pawnbroking side to help customer get the money they need.
Enough of my yabbering, today is a lovely sunny day, so need to take advantage and get some washing up on the line. It’s always better to get your wash hang out on the line and I do try to take advantage of it when the sun is out shining like it is now. So I bid you ciao for now.. have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you on the flip side! 😀
Update: October 12, 2012
I forgot that I hadn’t published this yet, as to give you an update today, still at the job and I am coming up for my first anniversary at the same time as the Hayes Store opened!! Oct 24, 2012 will mark both the store and my first anniversary. Just been busy in life and going to places, just went for my 2 weeks holiday as we call staycation, didn’t go outside of London, more like went to check out the what other places besides London… went to Dorset, Devon, and the final destination was Cornwall!! I love the West Country and if I had a choice, I would be moving that way. I have a few pictures that I have taken of the countryside and lovely views by the cliff side. I have been to Northern most which is up the top of Scotland – John O’Groates, to the Southerly point – Land’s End to the Westerly point – The Lizard Point! The views on those places are breathtaking but unfortunately Land’s End has been over commercialized but you can still walk around the cliffs for the views and if you want your picture taken with the sign, you will have to pay for it, but you can take a picture outside of the tape that they tape off with the sign in the background…yeah sad but hey, someone bought that piece of landmark….there is also a hotel that you can stay up as well some shops that you can get your souvenirs and a restaurant…
Update: March 2013
Well here we are again when I first drafted the update a year ago and have not still published it yet! Time moves so fast just can’t keep up! But as for the update, another year has gone, and my present situation has changed a little… I have finished my JET 1 course (National Association of Goldsmith) and hopefully continue with JET 2 this month to receive my certification and the right to use after my name.. P.J.Dip (Professional Jewelers Diploma). I hope to continue with this education to learn more about gems, diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, palladium and any kind of jewelry!