Update on me ~

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Hello folks, how’s everyone been keeping? Hope all is well as spring is here! Well, hopefully it will stay where I am in the other side of the pond!  Just wanted to tell you where I am in life… where can I start and I can’t even remember where I left off!! LOL…

Okay, I finished my course in JET 1 and passed with an A+ and I just started the next course, JET 2 as this is much more in-depth and detailed from what I have learned in JET 1.  My notes will be handy, as this course I will have to take an exam afterwards. I WILL PASS IT with flying colors! I am positive and confident that I will and I know it!! 😀

There is really nothing else, besides that my baby boy is turning 21 years on this May 7th!!!! OMG!!! where did the time go!?! I am very proud of my son, Adam he’s doing very well and I will always send him positive vibes in whatever he will do in his life. I love you son!! 😀

Nothing more to report on this end, and hope that all of you are doing well and send me any suggestions that you would like to see on here! CHEERS!! 😀

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