
WOW, this weekend surly went too quickly! Firstly, my friend Heidi hanged out with me till the wee hours of the morning! Just girl gossip and tweeting some…mostly just chilling
really, she didn’t quite make it over to the house until about 9ish – then at 10pm we felt a bit pickish, so we all filed in the car and drove to Waffle House on Aviation ate! What else do you do…I had the some kind of melt with hashbrowns and Ian had the same kind and Heidi had the scrambled eggs, hashbrown with bacon…we didnt get to go to bed til the wee hours of the morn!
The next day, we didn’t get up til around late morning and I make all of us brunch – scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee!
We ate and then we went out shopping for food – its alot of hard work saving money – we went left around 3ish in the afternoon – went to SAMS to get a few bits of bulk stuffed (which usually saves me tons by buying some stuff in bulk), then from there we went to Publix got more stuff – called Heidi’s house to find out what they needed – stopped by Bi-Lo close to Heidi’s place – got more stuff and dropped off some food at Heidi’s house and returned to my house! Unloaded the car, and put the food away – we’re good now for the week! Needless to say, stayed up late again! 😀
Sunday was a great day for photo shoots! Since Heidi never been to Sullivan’s Island we got ready to go there after we had brunch – I made omelet with tomatoes, red peppers and ham. After we ate, we all went to Sullivan’s – then I got a phone call (went to voicemail) that we were invited over for brunch at Max & Micheles, but we could come over later for dinner too! We texted back to Max that we will be over later in the day – we went shooting Sullivan’s Island at the end of the beach – then we went to our favorite spot – Station? not going to give it away, there’s too many ppl already knows! LOL…got some sun, but we didn’t go in the ocean – the water was nice, but going to Max n Michele, they had a pool! Heidi had her suit with her, so borrowed Michele’s (just the bottom – she had a collection of different suits) and Heidi and I just waded or just chilled out in the pool while the boys (Max, Luigi & Roberto) were cooking! Ian was on his notebook of course, he got bitten so he stayed inside, but am sure there are pics that he took too!