Okay, found this article in Yahoo which was written By Prashant Gopal, Businessweek.com and thought it would be an interesting read. Just wondering, how many of you ever wondered as how it would feel to be rich, where you didn’t have to worry about money?
Where you can buy anything that you see and want?
Yes, there are people who can and some of us just dreamed of being one of them. We either wish on a falling star or get lucky and win the BIG LOTTO!
This particular small town median average price of buying a home is approximately $2.2 million…go figure!
From summer resorts to wealthy suburbs, a look at the most expensive small towns in the U.S.
Residents of America’s most expensive small town get by without a chain store or even a traffic light. The town has one gas station, an elementary school, a community center, a general store, dairy and vegetable farms, and some restaurants and inns that open during the warm seasons…Read More
You might have notice that I’ve added a new type of radio listening where you’re the DJ and play the song you liked and other DJ’s will give you a “prop” if they like the music you’ve played or added them to your favorites and listening to their music. Well, yes, hubby found this and I’ve only done this for a few days and I’ve already maxed out my blips!! There are soooooo many more music that I like!! But check it out… its really cool and its a mixture of different genres all around!
Now, some of you know that it has been a very long time since I’ve return to P.I. and there are many things that have progressed. Just to let you all know how long, the last time I was back was when I was only 17 yrs and was still in high school and my little sister, Gigi was only 5 yrs old! Now, you know thats a very long time!
Time changes and people maybe hopefully better when I was there in the 70’s?!? But then again, it might just the same, but I hoped that its not…but one thing I have always held in my heart and memories of were the holidays. I missed it very much and remember all the lights and everyone happy, smiling, and some good ole home cooked meals! Oh I miss those days! Here’s an article that I found and want to share it with you…
Christmas Blessings At The Araneta Center
Christmas is definitely the favorite Filipino holiday, a season full of bright lights, merry harmonies, and a feeling of happiness that is best shared with loved ones. And of course, the holidays will not be complete without the well-observed Christmas traditions, such as the Simbang Gabi, the Christmas carols, the Noche Buena and the Belen….Read More
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