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Remember all the VETERANS that died for this country so that we can live free! Hope that everyone has a wonderful day and fun celebrating and remembering all those who died for our freedom!

Hugs to all my fellow Vets… and for those still defending our country, we are thinking of you and are in our prayers for your safe return home! GOD BLESS!!

Veteran’s Day – according to WIKIPEDIA…

Veterans Day is an annual American holiday honoring military veterans. Both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is usually observed on November 11… more

Another Great Evening…

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Well, it was another great evening for the Palmetto Acoustic Series…if you missed it, there is one more show coming in November 20th – which will be the last show for the year.  So come out and mark your calendar!

This evening show was Kyle Sch….(long last name) from DE and Jenny Goodspeed from MA – great tunes and evening was had by all.  Tune in to NAB Radio – soon as we are playing all the artist that has played at Muddy Waters for your enjoyment. Check back, as we will be posting the shows soon!

To All NAB Artists/Bands!!

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Wanted to share some great news for one of the artist we have here at NAB Radio – they’ve been nominated for in the Rock category for the Hollywood Music Awards which is being held in Hollywood, CA!!

This is an awesome thing as it applauds all of the Indie – signed or unsigned for recognition of their work! This event only happens once a year and I think this is such a great deal!  The Advisory Board are all in the music industry and Nile Rodgers of EWF heads this committee.

CONGRATULATIONS to The Influence and let’s all wish them “Good Luck”… the event takes place on November 20th, 2008

Virginia Beach

The Influence is pleased to announce their nomination for the Hollywood Music Awards to be held November 20, 2008 at The Highlands Hollywood in Hollywood CA. The Influence is nominated in the “rock” category. The HMA was created to recognize and honor the music of independent artists from around the globe, the music of visual mediums and the professionals associated with that music, including composers, music supervisors, publishers, and producers.

The Hollywood Music Awards is the only red carpet style event of its kind in the world that celebrates music in new visual mediums. Honoring a variety of music styles from traditional to experimental, the awards show will give equal attention to both signed and unsigned music artists for their music recordings. Separate categories will focus on artists whose music is used in films, television, video games, commercial advertisements, movie trailers, web-based videos and other new media.