Lowvee Cole

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I know i go on and on about this particular artist, but we just got her new CD! And its awesome! You need to listen to NAB Radio – all her music we have on our library and been playing in our rotation of playlist….The new CD is “20 till 2” – all songs are written by Lowvee and you will totally love this and you will love her music, she’s got a voice and she can write!!

Tune in to NAB Radio – great music, true variety — our purpose is to support ALL Indie Artist/Bands to support them to get exposure to the world and gain listeners for NAB Radio!   Our name is really – North American Broadcasting Internet Radio – for Independent Radio, for Independent Music!  Come and visit our blog and check out some of the artist we have – this is an ongoing blog that we have tons of artist added daily – so bear with us, and if you know of any great talents, do give us a shout and we would love to love to listen and add them to our growing library!

Thanks for tuning to NAB Radio and my blog, would love to get some comments and suggestions… until then, Be Safe and Be Happy!!

Hugs ;o)


Friends, Family…

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I am so greatful for this blog, and also excited that I connected with some family and friends that I’ve not seen in many years!! I started this a long time ago, this group belonged to a friend in Wales that hubby and I met online and we visited him in Wales, he married a filipina, but it did not go well, he’s not a bad person, just set of his ways and not keen on moving to another country…he “gave” me this group to moderate and I’ve been trying to pull it together by posting as to what’s happening around my life and putting some information of “stuff”….

So, one day sat down and decided, why not put something about the place you were born and grew up (before leaving to go to the US)  and anything that connects your roots to the island and share it with people!

So this is where its going…I do have a great admin guy to keep things in check…I married him! LOL…so I do hope that you do stop by and drop me a line and tell me what else you would like to see, I use this as a diary for me really ….if people find it interesting, that’s great….So, in the meantime, Be Safe and Keep on Blogging…

Hugs to y’all…. 😀

NAB Radio

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Okay, am plugging away about NAB Radio!  We are constantly getting CD’s from wonderfully talented artists/bands that we gotta shout it out to everyone out there in cyberspace!! TUNE IN TO NAB RADIO – great music, true variety – you just might hear some music that you didn’t know you liked!!

We’ve got a varied selections of great Independent artists and our playlist is growing as we type – as well as our library!!  For one, Lowvee Cole – has just released a new CD and you will only hear on NAB Radio! – now you can’t miss this great CD! We’ve got tons of artist/bands from the UK that are totally ROCK and you gotta hear them!!  We have varied genre’s to satisfy each of everyone tastes and likes… only you need to come and listen and let us know what you think.  NAB Radio supports ALL Indie artists/bands for exposure of their music.  Come and listen to NAB Radio – you’ll be surprised and you won’t go anywhere else!