The 10 Steps To Conquering Depression Forever

Thank you for Jafree Ozwald for sharing these steps and hopefully you might someone that needs these steps.
1. Stop resisting the experience you are having. Whenever you feel the most depressed during your day, take that precious moment to stop everything and lay your body down on the ground. Connect with the earth, let your entire being surrender to this planet beneath you and drop into core of your innermost being. Let your self dissolve into the experience and do not move a muscle. Surrender as if you were a corpse and if needed go through the death experience in your mind. Surrender to all the feelings and resistance that is arising. If you’re feeling resistance to feel deeper into your resistance, then merge and melt with that resistance. Open yourself to explore every little body sensation that you are having. When you do this, don’t stop until you feel completely peaceful and serene with every aspect of your life. The great secret here lies within not fighting, avoiding or resisting the experience you’re given on any subtle level.
2. Stick to eating 70 percent 80 percent raw fruits and vegetables. If you want a super high vibe, stay far far away from any food or drink that is in a box, bag or can. Processed foods made by a machine will not bring out your highest consciousness and a raw veggie fruit diet will. Raw foods contain the highest and most potent energy (from the sun) and lays the foundation where your brain can access expanded levels of energy making it hard to fall into any form of perpetual sadness.
3. Stay away from alcohol or drugs of any kind. Most people who are depressed are drinking and smoking frequently to numb some deep emotional pain, abandonment, death or relationship breakup buried deeper inside. The temporary elated high experience received from drugs or alcohol only later bottoms out, leading for the need to detox the brain and body. The day after one always has to fight their hangover, and battle their way out from the long chemical crash it induces in the brain. This makes it very difficult to think and feel happy thoughts for several days which addicts who cannot handle the low often “bite the hair of the dog” and re-introduce the drug/alcohol back into their system. This cycle will then numb out their low, and jump back on the chemical rollercoaster again. The best advice is to not start at all, and when you go out at night simply order a water, lemonade or a virgin bloody mary instead.
4. Stop eating food for 36-72 hours. One of the most powerful and effective ways to truly conquer the depths of long term depression is making the commitment to do a 2-3 day fast or cleanse. Depending on your severity of toxicity, it may take any where from 2 days to 2 months to reboot your system. You can do a water, fruit juice, and/or vegetable juice cleanse as a way to retrain your brain to let go of attachment to the thing it thinks it absolutely needs to survive…food! When you stop eating food, the mind then becomes void of all thoughts including the ones that make you feel sad and hopeless. You have a clearer consciousness that can see through the story and liberate you from the powerless place you were once in. A stomach that is truly empty of food will purify the mind, cleanse out the internal organs, and as the liquid moves through you liberates the mind from all grasping. For more information about how to do a juice cleanse click here.
5. Jump up and down with joy because you are alive. An amazing technique that will truly trick your joy valve to start pumping dopamine into your brain is to physically jump up and down every morning yelling with excitement!! Yes, physically jump up and down for at least 15 seconds and yell the words “I’m excited! I’m excited! I’m excited! I’m excited!” This will instantly flood a happy creative cocktail of positive chemicals into your brain, and force you to think about what you are actually excited about in your life. In this life changing experience you may need to fake it until you make it, pretend it until you transcend it, until you truly start feeling exciting about this opportunity to be alive again.
6. Exercise your body for at least 20 minutes every morning. Bringing more oxygen to the body and brain is essential for feeling high, horney, happy and free. If you really want to feel good about life, then do any exercise as soon as you get up. Go for it until you break a sweat, and continue on until you feel a sense of exhaustion. This will flood the brain with positive happy chemicals that make it much more difficult to feel blue the rest of your day.
7. Get out of your box and socialize. At least 6 days a week get out of your box and go meet with one person and/or a group of people. A group is considered to be 2 or more people who are including you in the conversation. Learn how to be social and don’t talk about intellectual things that bring everyone further up into their head! When in your group, speak from the heart and share something that is real, emotional, heartfelt, or you are thankful for in life. Speak only in a positive perspective especially if you feel the need to share about something traumatic, negative or depressing. Let yourself let go of your stuck story and laugh a deep belly laugh each time you socialize. You can bring out a lighter side to your story that contains some level of appreciation and gratitude so as not to bring everyone’s vibration down. This is your special social time to be honest with everyone about what you’re facing inside, and yet look deeper beneath your story to share what is positive inside you, and discover what you are truly thankful for in your life.
8. Give and receive at least 3 hugs a day. We are energetic beings with a bio-magnetic need to be affectionate and give/receive touch with other people. Science has shown that we have longer, healthier, and happier lives the more physical loving contact we create each day. Stop being afraid of touching others or imposing your heart upon theirs! Open your arms to hug every single person that enters your home, even if it’s a total stranger! Allow yourself the gift of being touched and touching others with sincerity. Who knows it may be the last time you see them. Be real with people and meet them where they are at. Other things you can do to create contact are to get a massage, ask a friend to hold your hand, or sit with your intimate partner touching each other gently in a very slow, quiet and conscious way. By increasing the level of conscious physical contact you have everyday, you’ll shift your body’s bio magnetic field and alter the brains happy chemistry in the process.
9. Become more sexually active. A good orgasm always leaves one feeling high, free and more enlightened. Initiate and instigate sensual sexual connection with your partner several times a week. If you don’t have one, go find one! There are many people online looking for the same thing you are. So don’t judge the sexual experience, be safe, adventurous and do something that you are afraid to do yet have always dreamed of doing. After a wild night of tantric lovemaking it’s very hard for the brain to be sad about life the next day. The most powerful manifesting vibration happens right after you orgasm. You can create basically anything you want from this highly blessed state. If you are picky and just cannot find the right partner to be with, then pleasure yourself as frequently as you can. Don’t be shy, this is your life and opportunity to experience being free alive and joyous!
10. Initiate contact with the God Source. Meditate and pray to the Universe for healing and guidance every morning, noon and evening. Nobody can be depressed when they discover their own personal connection with the Divine. Just sit for a few minutes a day and meditate on where is the source of love. Think about where the source of love comes from? Relax into this exploration, and rest deeply into your body, ever so gently and deeply, until you become aware of that which is aware. Breathe deeply and remain conscious of this divine all-powerful intelligent divine consciousness that is always here now. Practice this awareness all throughout your day. Whenever you discover that this divine Love is at the core of each experience, you’ll find yourself giggling instead of crying, and truly understand the cosmic joke of it all when you remove the veil that was once pulled over your eyes.