1st weekend off!

WOW!!! Its finally made it….worked out my schedules between the 3 jobs, and I finally got a weekend off!!! WOW!! Its unbelievable really, to be able to get the weekend all to myself, do housework, caught up on stuff at the house, like you know the usual; laundry, ironing…etc…well, the ironing bit, is not quite caught up, but it will be after I finish this post.


I hope everyone is enjoying their day off and tomorrow is brand new week to start all over again!! I know some of you have kids that are off for the summer, and some of you are out on vacation with the kids somewhere fun and lots of sun! Hope that is a safe summer holiday for some of you with small children….as for me, work, work, ….but do play in between, just need to sneak a few here and there of course…

Well, back to finishing up the laundry, and ironing…have a blessed, safe weekend and the coming week!!


At work…

As i type this, I am in the office working, but thought of taking just a few minutes to say “HELLO” all…hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. Its Spoleto time here in the SC and all the vendors are out in the park by Meeting and Calhoun…tents are all out and its quite a nice day today to be out and enjoying the sun. So, as I slave over here, I hope that all of you are enjoying your weekend already. Mine will start once I leave this office today!!

Memorial Weekend…

Happy Memorial to all the Veterans of all wars that has fought for the freedom of this country. I am a veteran, Navy…


Today, was a quiet day really, got up this morning to go to work, and the streets was deserted whereas, there was no early morning rush as it usually on a Monday, I guess all of you that had the day off, were sleeping in and taking advantage of the beautiful day!! I know I would of if I didn’t have to work, didn’t stay too late, as our friend/neighbor called yesterday to invite us over for a BBQ, burgers, potato salad and beer…we had a nice time and we sort of “catch” up on what’s been happening with our lives and just had fun afternoon/evening…chatting away….we just got home and didn’t even realize that it was this late!! So for all of you Vets, I hope that everyone had a wonderful day with your friends and family. God Bless to all the Vets that is away from home and pray that they all come home safely to their own families…

God Bless to all and as always, BE SAFE!!


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