This is a very good soup … you can serve it as either an entrée or side either way it’s very good! But I love it with rice!! This recipe was from the gracious Philippines Foods & Recipe!
Sinampalukang Baka or Beef In Tamarind soup recipe. This is an all time favorite Filipino food dish of mine. Below is the recipe and its easy to follow.

Sinampalukang Baka Ingredients:
* ½ kilo beef (cut into chunk cubes)
* 2 heads of garlic (crushed)
* 1 onion (diced)
* 5 pieces taro root (quartered)
* 1 piece radish (sliced bias)
* 1 bundle string beans (cut into 1?)
* ¼ teaspoon salt
* ¼ teaspoon black pepper
* 1- cup beef stock
* 6-cups of the water used to wash rice
* ½-cup tamarind juice
Sinampalukang Baka Cooking Instruction:
1). In a bowl, marinate beef chunks in salt & pepper for an hour.
2). In a soup pot, heat oil and brown beef.
3). Add beef stock and rice wash water. Bring to a boil in low heat until beef is tender.
4). Add in taro root, radish and string beans. When vegetable is almost cooked, stir in tamarind juice.
Best serve hot. Enjoy with steamed rice.
April 14th,2011
Recipes | tags:
black pepper,
brown beef,
cup beef stock,
filipino food,
food dish,
heat oil,
soup pot,
soup recipe,
string beans,
teaspoon salt,
wash water |
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I posted this back in February this year and wanted to repost this once again! So, here is the Bopis recipe again.. I might have to make some corrections as I just re-read what I wrote and found some typos! LOL..I do hope that you get a chance to try this dish! Its delish!

I want to share with you some great information of many Filipino community surrounding the USA. I got this information from the Asian Journal website.
Searching for a kababata from your hometown, a college buddy or a Pinoy colleague? Your search is finally over. The Asian Journal brings you Re:Union, Filipino American Associations in America — your link to a network of kababayan associations here in the United States. As your Filipino-American community newspaper, the Asian Journal recognizes your need to nourish and maintain ties with the people and the culture you were born with. This is our way of connecting our kababayans to the past, of creating new opportunities for the present and of inspiring you to pay it forward by becoming active members of your association and the Fil-Am community at large in the future. Here one organization that most of you might be interested:
Peace Officer’s Association of Filipino Americans (POAFA)
Website: http://www.poafa.org
Mailing address:P.O. Box 59496 Norwalk, CA, 90650
Co-founders: Christian Buado and Donald Salvador
POAFA is a non-profit organization that seeks to unite Filipino Americans who are involved in the public safety profession. Our main purpose is to network with each other through organizational meetings, conferences, and civic events. Secondly, we desire to provide assistance and education to the Filipino community and business districts that we serve. Additionally, as a non-profit organization, we will serve as a charity that raises funds for international aid in catastrophes and charitable causes.
Our first and foremost goal is to invite you to be a part of Peace Officers Association of Filipino Americans. We believe that with your help, this organization could make an impact in the Filipino community and be an integral denominator in bringing Filipinos together. Through partnerships with the community, businesses, and our law enforcement personnel, we will truly exemplify the meaning of MABUHAY!
Peace Officers Association of Filipino Americans is open to all current or retired sworn law enforcement officers (municipal, county, state, federal), civilian employees of any law enforcement agency, corporate and business donors, and police academy recruits/cadets or college students in the Administration of Justice or Criminal Justice programs. POAFA is also encouraging former police officers of the Philippine National Police to be a part of this organization. At this time, annual dues are being waived until May 2011. All we are asking is your support by becoming a member of POAFA Facebook Page. Soon, our webpage will be up and running and membership forms will be available for download.
United Batangueños of Southern California, Inc.
Nora Jusi, Governor
9435 Noble Ave. #101, North Hills, CA 9134
Telephone No.: (213) 324-6985
NORA Jusi, born and raised in Mabini, Batangas, has recently been elected president or “Governor” of UBSCI which was founded in 1987, and has members from the various towns of Batangas province represented by UBSCI’s “Town Mayors.”
Among the Batanguenos’ big fundraisers is a biennial beauty pageant during their anniversary galas when they proclaim and crown their “Mrs. UBSCI.”
Proceeds from these formal events help their kababayans in the Philippines with scholarship grants to high school graduates who can enroll at a college of their choice. The scholarship program started in 1994, and has not only assisted students in dire need, but has also increased the organization’s membership.
Nora Jusi enjoys full support and cooperation from her new set of officers: Romy Elepano, 1st vice governor; Roman “Boy” Castillo, 2nd vice governor; Minnette Manacsa, executive and board secretary; Chris Emnace, treasurer; Dante Maralit, auditor; Gloria Lina, assistant treasurer; Brenda Mendoza and Ogie de Villa, PROs; Nene Eliseo and Fe Maralit, business managers.
Members of the UBSCI Board: Cielo Carlos, chairperson; Cesar Anuran, Hermie Eliseo, Mike Lina, Alice Ruelos, Rose Sulit, Eddie Espina, Deo Villafranca, Allan Yema, Baby Elepano, Rudy de Torres, Dolly Hernandez, and Cesar Tolentino.
Serving as advisers are: Lydia Emnace, Zeny Zoleta, Cely Anuran, Willie Manacsa, Rose Pascua, Eric Villafranca, Paz Concordia, and Joe Carlos.
Nora, a widow who raised five children (three girls and two boys), has a business management degree, major in sales and marketing. A vocational nurse, she owned and operated an In-home Care Services Agency for ten years which she closed when her interest changed to a Skin Care business, distributing her products in different US states.
Active in the community and a former member of the LA Mabuhay Lions Club, Nora co-founded the Filipino Community of San Fernando Valley, Inc., and also organized the Mabini, Batangas Association of USA.
Governor Jusi will be inducted with her fellow officers on July 23, 2011, at the Marriott Hotel in Burbank, Calif.
Filipino Bar Association of Northern California (FBANC)
Mailing address: 268 Bush Street, #2928 San Francisco, CA 94104
IT IS our mission to support, educate, encourage, and empower the members of our association to excel and succeed in their educational and professional endeavors. It is further our mission to guard against injustices targeting the Filipino community. To that end, FBANC serves its community with legal clinics and seminars, and serves its membership through scholarships and networking events.
FBANC is driven by the membership, led by the Board of Officers, and guided by the Board of Advisors. FBANC is a social and networking association of attorneys, students, and legal professionals located throughout Northern California. Although FBANC does not provide pro bono legal services to individuals, we regularly host free legal clinics in local communities with a significant Filipino-American population.
If you or someone you know is searching for affordable legal services, please contact non-profit legal organizations, such as the Asian Law Caucus, Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, Legal Aid Society of San Mateo , Bay Area Legal Aid, or similar organizations.
Founding members:
Edna Espanol
Jose Guzman, Jr.
Ernest H. Llorente
Eleanor Nisperos
Mike A. Nisperos, Jr.
Raymond L. Ocampo, Jr.
Raul Picardo
Ronald Quidachay
Rodel Rodis
Clemente Joseph San Felipe
Mel Santos
William Tamayo
President – Genevieve Dong
Internal Vice President – Mark Punzalan
External Vice President – Kate Esclamado
Treasurer – David Mesa
Secretary – Abigail Rivamonte
Co-Historians – Ray Buenaventura and Vanessa Candelaria
Legal Clinics Director – Robert Uy
Philippine Cultural Center of America Foundation
Erna Selzer – (949) 951-5933
Email: erna@philippineculturalcenter.org
Website: http://philippineculturalcenter.org
Our missionAchievement of pride and success in the promotion of Filipino culture through education, camaraderie and recognition of excellence of any individual involved.
Our vision
To provide continuous strength and vitality for Filipinos through education and appreciation of our traditions, values and culture
To ensure a lasting legacy for future generations.
Board of Directors
Erna Selzer
Virginia Nomil
Paul Selzer
Tracy Lagua
Albert Lacanilao
Josie Jones
Dominica A. Pador
Gilda Gacho
Evelyn Berghall
And if you’re in Alaska here is the organization that you might want to contact and join:
Filipino-American Association of Juneau (Alaska)
Mailing address:
Filipino American Association of Juneau
PO BOX 35385
Juneau, AK 99803
Website: www.filamalaska.org
OUR goal is to promote friendship and understanding between Filipino Americans and the diverse cultural community in Juneau Alaska; and to promote social and educational opportunities for our members in order to preserve our rich Filipino American culture. For more information on our methods of achieving these goals please read our mission statement.
The Filipino American Association of Juneau is a non-profit organization with the purpose of providing community services, raising funds for various charitable organizations and our own scholarship program. If you would like to make a donation to one of our programs please take a look at our Donations Page. Donators are listed in our Donations Hall of Fame.
The Filipino American Association of Juneau is an association of Filipinos and Americans in Juneau, Alaska. It was established on March 8, 2003. Duly registered and incorporated in the State of Alaska as a non-profit organization.
Mission: to promote social, educational and preserve the rich Filipino American culture and heritage among its members and to the populace of the City of Juneau and the State of Alaska. Promote friendship and understanding between the Filipino American community and the populace of Juneau.
To achieve this mission, the Filipino American Association of Juneau supports the following programs:
-Active participation of the Filipino American Association in civic affairs in the City of Juneau and the State of Alaska.
-Promote awareness of Filipino American contributions to social, economic, and cultural heritage in State of Alaska.
-Promote equal opportunity and fair treatment of all Filipino Americans in all levels of government.
-Promote scholarship and youth assistance by assisting the Filipino American youth in accessing information on scholarships, education grants and other forms of financial support.
-Provide financial assistance thru voluntary donations to members in need.
-Promote friendship and good fellowship opportunities for Filipinos and Americans.
There are many more organization that you need to check out .. go to this link to the Asian Journal there is a total of 27 pages to go through the names of organization all around the USA.
April 10th,2011
Interesting Facts,
News | tags:
asian journal,
business districts,
charitable causes,
civic events,
community businesses,
filipino american associations,
filipino american community,
filipino americans,
filipino community,
new opportunities,
norwalk ca 90650,
organizational meetings,
pay it forward,
peace officer,
peace officers association,
safety profession |
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