How to start a more intimate relationship

Thanks goes to Jafree Ozwald
If you want to start manifesting a more intimate relationship today, here are some helpful techniques to get you started:
1. Ask the Universe for what you want! Yes, go ahead and simply ask for more intimacy (and the courage to ask for it) instead of just settling for the connection that you may be tolerating and coping with. If your relationship is not satisfying to your soul, you are not standing up for what you want. Imagine what that connection FEELS like and request the Universe sends it your way A.S.A.P! Be brave! Start by first focusing on the highest Source of consciousness, ask it to help you find what you honestly want, know that the Universe is listening and trust in whatever happens next!
2. Create intimacy with yourself first. A deeply intimate loving relationship with anyone always starts with discovering an intimacy within yourself. You can only attract intimacy on the outer if you find it first on your inner world. Someone can only love and respect you when you love and respect yourself. If you are afraid of getting hurt by opening to more intimacy, it means you haven’t yet been intimate with this part of you that is still afraid and protecting itself from being hurt. By being intimate with your inner world, you open the door for others to come inside and help you to discover the Divine Being you truly are.
3. Practice being more intimate everyday. One thing we don’t have is a shortage of human beings on this planet. There are over 6 billion people here today and some will instantly be intimate with you, while others currently have the ability to be cold, distant, prickly and protected. You deserve the fuzzy warm heart connection you want today! Affirm to the Universe that everyday you are opening to more intimacy with whomever can open to you. Don’t wait forever for the one you are in relationship with to open up to you. If they are blocked, send them lots of love, be with them as deeply as they’ll allow you, and continue on your journey to discover who you truly are. Once they see that you are FREE and finding heart opening connections with others they will have to break through their inner armor and melt those barriers to love inside. Finding intimacy for yourself helps them to initiate their healing process.
4. Let go of ALL expectations. Your mind probably has many preconceived ideas of what intimacy should and should not look like. Remember that these are just concepts about love and ANY attachment to these concepts will limit your ability to experience a deeper intimacy within yourself. The purpose of intimacy is to be able to fully HEAL all your hidden wounded parts and constantly BE this open unlimited unstoppable loving being. Why else are you are? Stop playing small and living under the thumb of others expectations of you! Start noticing how free you really are. When you drop these expectations you’ll be able to manifest a soul-to-soul connection that has TONS of intimate eye/heart contact and have healthy boundaries with them. This is your life, if you don’t start living it today you will just postpone it forever and never be alive. You may miss one of the greatest experiences of life if you don’t create a heart-felt open-minded intimate connection with another person.